I’ve had the pleasure of making music for superyacht events at boat shows since 2015. Here are five truths I’ve discovered over the years.
“Yacht shock” is real
When performing at my first show, I had never seen a superyacht outside of Instagram. Standing on the docks, I am certain my mouth was open for at least 2 minutes! Seeing them in person, lined up like pretty maids in a row, was breathtaking. Just the sheer scope and size of the boats was overwhelming for me. And you know what? No matter how often I perform, the beauty of it all stuns me every time.
Loading equipment should be an Olympic sport
Let me just say that hauling gear through a massive boat show is not for the weak. To get through the crowds, you need to have the agility of a cornerback, the footwork of an NBA star, the ability to take (or give) an occasional hit like a rugby player, and the endurance of a triathlete to get all that equipment up the flights of stairs to the flybridge. **Bonus sport: not responding every guy who says “ooh, that looks heavy” (insert massive eye roll here)
The superyacht community loves a good party
The superyacht community is tight-knit, and because of the way that everyone seems knows everyone, the events always feel like reunions. I think that the best parties are the ones that no one ever seems to want to end. There’s no shortage of events during the boat show, and I absolutely love seeing people enjoying good food and conversation well into the evening.

The boat show staff are essential to your success
All performers have to deal with logistical issues to get themselves and their gear in and out of the show. From the ticket takers to the water taxi operators, to the valet team (huge props to valet!!), these are the folks who make it all run smoothly, with courtesy and a willingness to assist.
Paper tickets are easier to keep straight than mobile tickets
Purchasing multiple show tickets, water taxi, and valet parking tickets, then storing them in my Apple Wallet, made me feel so clever and paper-free. It’s all well and good until one of the tickets doesn’t scan and you need to get in to perform! I’m just saying, cart full of gear + swiping through my phone to get to the right ticket = sweaty angst for me.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this – say hello if you see me at the boat show! Just look for the violinist hauling the huge cart of gear.