The creators of AcqueraPro set out to build a platform that provides the highest degree of service to captains and crew without taking away the personal touch of agents on the ground. The AcqueraPro app aims to add ease to the process of visiting ports around the Med, streamlining the formalities that traditionally take up precious time. In 2022, 20 captains on varying sizes of yacht tested the AcqueraPro platform – to a great degree of satisfaction.
Read on to discover the feedback from the survey and find out how AcqueraPro can help you cruise the Med with ease this summer.
More Efficient Process
Many captains and crew would agree that one of the most time consuming elements of cruising the Mediterranean is often the paperwork and beuracracy of entering different ports. The team at Acquera recognised the need for a more efficient process and accumulated all of the necessary information into one user-friendly platform.
A survey was also conducted with both customers and non-customers, with excellent results. According to the survey, 74% of crew believe that the process of filling out forms and doing paperwork when entering ports is a laborious task, and 90% of users stated that AcqueraPro made booking a berth easier than previous methods. The app also contains a ‘Leisure’ platform, where crew can seamlessly plan itineraries and find information on each location, including Experiences, Events and Restaurants.
Various Captains testing the app have called the platform a ‘game changer’ and an ‘ideal cruising partner’. One captain onboard a 56 metre sailing yacht stated that with AcqueraPro he was able to upload all of the necessary documents and certificates using the app’s comprehensive interface:
“As Captain, I need clear and instantaneous information and AcqueraPro provides the answers. I knew in advance which forms were required for a port of call, all formalities were completed online and then sent straight to my local Acquera Yachting agent with no double handling or fuss.”
Survey Results
Here are some further results from the survey:

To discover more about AcqueraPro, visit their website.
Set to launch fully in May, you can book a demo and register for the app by clicking here.
Don’t miss out on your chance to cruise the med with joy this season!

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