Your life after Yachting?

Thinking about life after yachting?

We’ve all been there. It’s nearly time to leave but what do you do? Life after yachting is often a bit of a shock. But….This could be your answer!

Yachting Ventures is on a mission to help you. They are looking for ambitious, mission-driven individuals. The future entrepreneurs of the yachting industry. Those who want to bring innovative products and services to the market.

What is Yachting Ventures?

It is a startup accelerator.

Er Ok, so what is that?

A startup accelerator supports entrepreneurs like you through a fixed-term programme. This includes mentorship, connections and educational content. The aim is to help you accelerate the growth of your new business. It’s done by compressing years’ worth of learning into just a few months.

What does that mean to me?

Ok, so you work on a yacht but are thinking about going home? You’ve looked at various jobs but nothing really strikes you as very exciting! Ring any bells?

Then one day you come up with a business idea. Your friends and other crew think it is a great idea. So, what do you do next?

Well, you could apply to join the Yachting ventures programme. It’s 10 weeks long and costs £650. You will receive a huge amount of training and insight. Plus connections and a network that helps you “accelerate” through the difficult early stages. The way we see it is that you avoid all the mistakes everyone else made which is of massive value.

Sounds very interesting. Does it work?

Twenty-eight founders took part in the first virtual Yachting Ventures cohort back in September 2020. (more info here) Over 50% of those founders were ex-yachties or yachties still working onboard whilst also building their startups in their spare time. There is a clear entrepreneurial mindset amongst the yachtie community. The accelerator hopes to build a global network of startup support and accelerate what has traditionally been an industry slow to adapt to change.

Have a look at what some of them have achieved here. Pretty impressive we are sure you will agree.

Some Stats:

Statistics show one of the main reasons startups fail is due to a lack of market need. So before launching a product or service, startup founders need to talk to as many insightful people as possible. This helps them validate their idea and be reasonably certain there are potential customers in the market.


Yachting Ventures has brought together key industry experts and experienced entrepreneurs.  They have launched, scaled and sold their own businesses in the yachting space and in adjacent industries. The team has been carefully selected to provide the best possible support in a business capacity. They also give founders the opportunity to network with some of the leading players in the industry.

Joining the accelerator is a great opportunity for budding entrepreneurs that have seen a business opportunity in the market to engage with the wider yachting community. The 10 week  programme includes mentorship, connections and educational content and aims to accelerate the growth of early-stage ventures by compressing years’ worth of learning into just a few months.


All the Yachting Ventures sessions are completely remote and designed to fit around other commitments. Everything is recorded and accessible online. This way founders can work at their own pace – wherever they are in the world. What are you waiting for? Could this be the first step into your Life after yachting? Click here to sign up