Captain Luke: Is There Such A Thing As A Yachting Community?

Captain Luke Hammond is back with his monthly blog, this time delving into the topic of community, the importance of diversity and inclusion and the nature of making relationships within the yachting industry. Read on to hear his thoughts…

Relationships Forged At Sea

Yachting is a special niche that has expanded rapidly since its inception. It’s an extravagant, glamorous, and adventurous world filled with more crazy stories than you can poke a stick at. 

At its core, one would assume that yachting culture is based on relationships and a feeling of community that unites people, (despite all the flash and glamour).

Many may imagine a true sense of belonging among yachting peers that work countless hours alongside each other, and share tales that can’t, and really shouldn’t, be repeated due to multi-page NDAs that would make even the best lawyers on earth twist their face.

Hailing from all walks of life and all corners of this amazing planet, we build enduring relationships forged over our time at sea. It’s these very connections that have developed into lasting friendships and also offer a vital support network in a society that is frequently chaotic and fast-paced.  

In such an environment, there is always something to learn and it’s only in this very global but very small network, where crew can discuss best practices, and exchange knowledge at events and through networking possibilities. Information sharing can advance the sector’s sustainability, effectiveness, and safety.  If we don’t, history reminds us with that common slap in the face that we need to share our wisdom, not take it for granted.

Read More Captain Luke: Understanding Misconduct On Your Vessel

A Fiercely Competitive Industry

But, there are drawbacks to our yachting community as well.

The potential for cliques and exclusion is one of the key disadvantages. The yachting industry is based on exclusivity, which might make some groups feel excluded. Making sure that everyone in the community feels included and welcomed is crucial.

On more than one occasion we have all felt the cold shoulder from a neighbouring boat.  Maybe our yacht was too small, too dirty, or maybe just the wrong build?

There is also the potential for rivalry and conflict. Yachting is a fiercely competitive industry, which may cause conflicts between various parties based on positions onboard or on other vessels. While fostering healthy competition, it’s crucial to preserve a sense of community and cooperation.  We all forget that whilst one door closes, another opens.  In my instance, for me turning a job down, opened up two jobs for friends of mine (which I found out after the fact).

Encourage Diversity And Inclusion

So, how can we foster better relationships across all the sectors that provide for the Superyacht industry?

Focusing on expanding networking and collaboration possibilities is one strategy. Events like yacht shows, business conferences, and meet-ups or dock-parties can help with this. These gatherings offer a venue for interaction and idea sharing, and they can aid in the dismantling of barriers between various groups.  There is no better social lubricant than a frosted adult beverage shared by friends.

Promoting openness and transparency is another strategy. It’s critical to ensure that everyone gets access to the same information in a society where knowledge is power. We can foster trust and a more inclusive community by encouraging open communication and openness.

Thirdly, we may endeavour to encourage inclusion and diversity in the sector. White, male, and affluent people have always controlled the yachting business. Whilst I don’t see that demographic changing that quickly, we can build a more friendly and accepting neighbourhood that mirrors the larger world around us by encouraging diversity and inclusion.

Even during my short two decades at sea, I’ve seen countless numbers of people leave to continue on with their lives ashore.  The one comment that always comes up, how much they loved their time in Yachting.

The exclusions we create serve no one.  Community encourages collaboration, information sharing, and a sense of belonging. But it takes a village to make this a reality, it takes your comments, your positive feedback, and for you to empower one or two people that they are on the right path.As you grow, you too can mentor those around you.

We can create a more welcoming and cooperative society that supports the expansion and sustainability of the Superyacht community.  

Everyone started at the bottom, and it takes all of us to make this the best community for all of us to really shine!

Get after it and make sure you make today a great one!

Captain Luke Hammond On Duty Onboard
Captain Luke Hammond On Duty

Captain Lord Luke Hammond recently launched Reffr – A new yacht crew recruitment platform. Reffr aims to solve the problem of connecting people with the right jobs, which opens up amazing opportunities for recruiters, captains, and businesses that join the platform.

If you would like to be involved in the prelaunch, head over to – The solution to yacht recruitment that helps all, and sign up to be one of the founding members.

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