10 Time Management Hacks For Yacht Stewardesses

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with too many tasks and projects? Or after a busy day, you realised that you didn’t accomplish what you needed to? Don’t worry – you are not alone. Read on to see Yachtsmermaids tips on time management hacks for yacht stewardesses.

10 Time Management Hacks For Yacht Stewardesses

Society today focuses on pushing the narrative that we must constantly do more and get more done. Whilst I agree with the importance of achieving more, trying to do more constantly can cause a lack of focus – not to mention the stress it generates. In fact, over the past 10+ years as a Yacht Stewardess Mentor, this is one of the most common problems Marien, Founder of Yachtsmermaids has seen among Chief Stewardesses and Heads Of Department.

If you’re feeling less productive these days and wondering how to deal with and what can help, keep reading below to learn Marien’s Top 10 Time Management Hacks for Yacht Stewardesses.

1. Prioritise Your Self-Care Routine

Mental health plays a massive role in how you feel daily, including how you feel at work. Making your personal routine a top priority will support your mental, physical, and emotional health and productivity levels.

Here are a few self-care practices that will support your productivity and well-being:

  • Hydrate.
  • Move your body (exercise, dance, etc.).
  • Meditate, practice gratitude, or try intention setting.
  • Set a bedtime; the choices you make before going to sleep significantly impact the following day. If you know you need to be on your A game the next day, know your limits and learn what creates optimisation for your day.

Most importantly, get more sleep and turn off the phone a few hours before bed so it doesn’t negatively impact your rest. 

2. Plan your day

If your schedule varies and is inconsistent, give yourself 4-5 minutes the night before to plan your day. This simple practice will have a massive positive impact on your productivity, I promise.

3. Verbarise  your to-do list

To Verbarise means making sure that every item on your to-do list starts with a verb. It seems simple, but adding a phrase like ‘go to’ in front of ‘laundry cleaners’ or adding ‘brainstorm’ in front of ‘theme nights’ can trigger you into action and will make your to-do list easier to tackle, so you’ll get more done.

Remember, when you Verbarise your to-do list, you can’t just pick any verbs. Instead, pick easy, small, and do-able verbs. One-step actions that you can accomplish in one sitting or one errand. Something like ‘plan birthday party’ is too big because ‘plan’ is a project and includes many smaller steps. When you see ‘plan’ on your list and don’t want to go near it because it’s overwhelming. What if it were ‘make guest list’ or ‘buy candles?’ Then you can start taking action on your to-do list without overwhelming yourself to get more done.

4. Simplify to amplify

When you know what’s important, it’s much easier to ignore what’s not. Create a list of the crucial tasks for the month or week and divide them into two sections, urgent and important; once you have the list choose what job you need to do yourself or if there is someone else that can do it for you, which brings me to the next hack.

5. Delegate

Although the number one reason most Chief Stews under-delegate tasks is the fear of failure due to putting important tasks in someone else’s hands, there are other reasons, too. Some feel that proper delegation takes longer than simply doing the task themselves, and others even question their own ability to choose the right person for the task at hand.

Inside module 3 of the YM Self-Leadership course, I teach you how to take advantage of your team’s weaknesses and strengths to create better productivity; click here to learn more. Remember that delegating will not only bring your productivity levels higher but will also build trust, open communication, and engagement among team members. Plus it stimulates creativity, develops skills in your team, and creates a positive culture onboard.

Yacht stewardesses will benefit from these 10 time management and organisation skills

Read More: Yacht Crew Guide To Dealing With Issues Onboard

6. Put your life on airplane mode

Did you know that every time you resist a temptation or exert any kind of self-control, you start to drain your cognitive fuel tank? Choosing to use your limited mental fuel on important things vs. blowing it on stuff that doesn’t will ensure you become more productive.

So if you want to use your cognitive fuel tank wisely, here is what you need to do: turn your phone off, put your computer on focus or turn off notifications, and tell the crew or other people around you for a certain amount of time you will not be available unless it is an emergency. Also, do creative tasks first, such as writing emails, or putting together a team building exercise or training for your team, etc.

7. Avoid Multi-tasking

Psychological studies have shown that multi-tasking does not save time. In fact, the opposite is often true. You lose time when switching from one task to another, resulting in a loss of productivity. Multi-tasking may lead to difficulty concentrating and maintaining focus.

Do your best to focus on one task at a time by keeping your area clear of distractions, including putting your phone away and setting aside dedicated time for specific tasks. And remember, estimate how much time each task will take you as a baseline. It’s ok if you take longer or less, as this will help you figure out what tasks are more time-consuming than others. And always start with the urgent task that needs your cognitive fuel, in other words, mental energy or working memory.

8. Make a onesie

Whatever you are working on, especially on the computer, clear the area from all to-do lists, notebooks, files, etc. Grab a piece of paper and just write the one you are focusing on (don’t forget to Verberize it!) and have it near you to remind you that is all you have to achieve right now.

9. Have your own Stew Book templates

Expecting a vessel to have an efficient Stew Book, aka Standard Operating Procedure Manual, is a pitfall for your career. If yachting has taught me one thing, it’s that preparation is the key to success. As a professional stewardess, you always need to be ready to hit the ground running, and that includes having a Stew Book template that you can quickly customise to your team and vessel without spending days behind the computer.

That’s why I created the Mermaids Kick-Starter Bible to support Top-Notch Chief Stews with this big time-consuming task. With over 90+ interior templates, the MKSB will save you time and energy, as there is no need to recreate them. They are digital and editable! These are clear-cut, tried, and tested templates that you can use every day in a hectic season to keep your interior team on track. Merging your knowledge with these guidelines will create the perfect interior system for your team and vessel, whether private or charter. You can download the MKSB templates here.

10. Plan your work duties around your cycle

Yacht Stewardesses have been conditioned to adjust to a man’s workplace, environment, schedule, and approach to productivity for a long time. Exploring productivity at work through a female paradigm could be the key to unlocking your productivity genius zone.

“Each phase of your cycle provides you with amazing brain superpowers; it’s essential to know what those are and when they happen so you can plan ahead to take advantage of them.”

What if the secret to successful project planning and execution was embedded in the female hormonal cycle? What if you knew the exact time of the month you should be leading that team meeting or activity or asking for a promotion? Learning to sync your female hormonal cycle with your work and life schedule is the ultimate bio-hack to harness your energy and productivity.

The MKSB Productivity Training is the only one available in the yachting industry that teaches women how to use their monthly periods as a productivity tool.

Want to read more about Yachtsmermaids or discuss time management hacks for yacht stewardesses? Let’s connect here!

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10 Money Tips for Yacht Stews

10 Money Tips for Yacht Stews

Being a Superyacht Stewardess has many perks, such as travelling to exclusive hidden gems, having elite experiences, and making long-lasting friendships. And let’s not forget the financial side of things; you get free food, accommodation, and the opportunity to receive added income such as tips. But if you are not in control of your money, you will not benefit from these financial perks. I am sharing my top 10 Money Tips for Yacht Stews who want to be in charge of their money and take advantage of the opportunities of working at sea. Let’s start!

#1 Educate Yourself

If you want to be in charge of your finances, you need to learn how to manage your money. Following these tips is just the beginning. To continue this journey, I invite you to take the free finance courses offered by Bola Sokunbi from Clever Girl Finance or read a book like My Money My Way: Taking Back Control of Your Financial Life by Kumiko Love. They both have influenced and supported me in learning how to manage my money big time.

#2 Get Clear On Your Financial Goals

Having clarity around what you want to achieve with your money will give you a guiding map to create a budget that matches those goals. When setting financial goals it is essential to start small and then build from there. For example, one of your goals could be having an emergency fund; this comes in handy for unexpected expenses such as finding yourself in between jobs. Another could be paying off debt, travelling, or saving for your first house deposit. Whatever your goals are when writing them, add the reasons you want to achieve them, as it puts them in perspective and fuels your motivation.

#3 Know Where Your Money Is Going

Better money management starts with spending awareness. If you don’t know what and where you’re spending your money each month, there’s a good chance your spending pattern has room for improvement. To understand your spending better, you should track it for at least three months. You can also look back at your last three bank statements and analyse your spending habits with the help of a spreadsheet. Make use of money management apps such as Mint to track spending across categories and see how much you’re spending on non-essentials such as dining, entertainment, and shopping. Alternatively, you can use a spreadsheet. These are easily created with the help of Nerd Wallet. Once you’ve educated yourself on these habits, you can make a plan to improve.

#4 Create A Realistic Budget

Use your monthly spending pattern and income to set a budget you know you can keep. Create a budget that works with your lifestyle, spending habits, and financial goals. Do keep in mind your budget will fluctuate and shift from time to time, depending on your income, expenses, and objectives. At the start is helpful to set a budget percentage rule such as 60/20/20 or 50/20/30 so it’s easier to understand where your money should be allocated. The first digit means the percentage that will go towards essentials, the second is savings, and the third is for non-essentials. But these rules are a guideline, and you can create one that fit your needs. A budget will encourage you to have better spending habits but give yourself a realistic shot at meeting this budget. That’s the only way this money management method will work.

#5 Have Your Money In Multiple Accounts

Having all the money in one place also makes spending easier because you can access the funds with a single bank transfer. Having your money spread across accounts such as Income, Bills, Savings, and Retirement will ensure you stick to your budget and give you a clear view of how you are reaching your financial goals. At the very minimum, it’s a good idea to have at least one checking and one savings account. Beyond that, consider your financial goals.

#6 Prioritise Paying Off Your Debt

If you have an outstanding student or personal loan, or credit cards that need attention, I recommend prioritizing paying down debt while making small contributions to your savings. Once you’ve paid off your debt, you can then contribute to your savings the full amount you were previously paying each month toward debt. If you have debt, you can use a percentage rule such as 60/10/10/20, which translates to essentials/savings/non-essentials/debt. If this rule doesn’t fit your
needs, create your own.

#7 Save Money And Use Buckets

When I started my yachting career, I saved money and then spent it on travelling or living expenses between jobs. Once I introduced buckets into my saving strategy, saving for both short- and long-term goals was a breeze. Using buckets allowed me to manage my savings efficiently and got me out of depleting my savings repeatedly. I use Ally Bank for my savings, and it has a bucket tool inside its online banking platform; if your bank doesn’t offer this tool, you can always keep track of your buckets on a spreadsheet or open new savings account for each bucket. To make the most of your money, I suggest using High Yield Savings accounts.

#8 Prep For Retirement

I get it you are young, and retirement seems so far away. But the truth is the more you wait, the more money you lose towards ensuring you have a good retirement plan for when you don’t want to work anymore. Working as a yacht stew allows you to get your retirement plan rolling exponentially because of the financial perks you get at sea. The best way to save for retirement it’s to invest in low-risk index funds, as Warren Buffet, aka the most successful investor of the 20th century, suggests. Index funds are great long-term investments that have the potential to set you up for retirement. But of course, like everything else in life, not all index funds are the same, so I invite you to learn more about them. A great way to do this is by reading The Index Cards by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack.

#9 Pay Your Taxes

Many of us have the misconception that working as yacht crew means tax-free living. But this is far from the truth. It is your responsibility to pay any taxes or social security due. The tax owed depends on many factors, including your residency and its tax regulations. Understanding your tax position is not only essential but your responsibility. Remember that you won’t be at sea your entire life, which means once on land, you will want to use the benefits of having social security and government aid, but for that to happen, your contribution through taxes is vital. But I get it taxes and living at sea is a grey area; that’s why having an accountant or financial advisor it’s essential. There are plenty of great UK companies that can support you, including CrewFO. If you are paying taxes in the USA, check out Singh and Associates.

Crewfo - Yacht Crew Financial advisors

#10 Invest In Your Career Development

If you want to make more money as a yacht stew, you need to become a Top-Notch Chief Stewardess, and I’m here to help you get there. Click here to learn how I can support you in stepping up as a Chief stew and getting your piggy bank fatter!

And remember, taking control of your finances is not a destination, it’s a journey, so be kind to yourself and get the support you need.

If you are just starting your career as a yacht stew, check out our preparation guide for working your first season, or stick with Yachts Mermaids for 10 storage hacks for yacht stews.

10 Storage Hacks For Yacht Stews

10 Storage Tips & Tricks For Yacht Stews

It never fails to be exciting for yacht crew to learn new storage hacks for onboard, no matter how many you think you know. Marién, the founder of Yachts Mermaids is back to share her ‘Top 10 Storage Hacks for yacht stews’.

Yacht Crew - 10 storage hacks for yachts

Let’s start with the basics. The first step is to ensure your storage spaces are neat and free of clutter. Think of it like this: Before you unload groceries, you have to create space for them to go in the fridge and pantry, which leads us to storage tip no.1…

Hack #1

Use Old Products First

Take an inventory of all your items (keep it updated), and don’t purchase new products until the old ones are empty. One of the big storage mistakes crew, especially HODs do, is wanting to change all the onboard products. And yes, sometimes you know of a product that will give you better results. But purchasing new items will create a massive storage issue, as now you will have things that you are not using, taking up space.

You may think that a good solution is to toss the other items away, but the truth is that if you are good at your job, you know that looking after the owners’ assets is essential, and this translates to not spending money where it is not needed. But; you will be applauded if you decide to use what is onboard until it is finished. And if you need help creating inventories learn more about the MKSB templates.

Hack #2

Try Bulk Storage

So let’s say that you have already used all the products onboard and are ready to bring in new ones. One of the best ways to save space, money and be more sustainable at sea is buying in bulk instead of buying a single-use plastic bottle each time. These days many companies are supplying the maritime industry in this way. Try out Marién’s fave, the Ecostore, who can help you set up a refill station onboard whether you are on deck or interior; they got you covered. They also have refill store stations worldwide; if you are in Europe, get in contact with Superyacht Eco, the official distributor of Ecostore in this area.

Hack #3

Say Goodbye To Cardboard 

Get rid of all cardboard boxes. Why? Because they serve as a shelter, enabling roaches to hide, live, and breed. And secondly, because they take too much space. Remember always to label what’s inside the bag and add the expiration date if necessary before you toss the cardboard, and don’t forget to keep the instruction manuals if available. For example: On cereal, bags write the name and the expiration date.

Hack #4

Use Storage Bins

Let’s talk about storage bins. Plastic storage containers are the best item to store and organize specialty items such as theme nights, owners’ clothing and toiletries, and keeping extra drinks in place on the deck. They come in different sizes and shapes, allowing you to keep things dry and tidy. Utilizing clear bins is ideal because you can see what’s inside; of course, still label them as it will make it easier for everyone to find the correct box easily.

Hack #5

Go Collapsible

As you know, storage spaces onboard sometimes have odd shapes and heights; this is where utilizing collapsible bins is a great idea; plus, when you don’t need them, you can put them away without taking too much space. This is a win-win situation. And don’t forget to go collapsible with buckets, microwave lid, funnels, laundry baskets, etc.

Hack #6

Think Outside the Box

It is essential to look at all the available spaces, including the walls, to organize and store items. Hanging things instead of stacking them on the floor or inside a bin can save a lot of space. So get creative and think outside the box!


Hack #7

Invest In Vertical Hangers 

Cascading hangers are the best solution for those tiny crew closets that sometimes we even have to share. Instead of taking up valuable space on the closet rod by hanging items individually, vertical hangers allow you to hang one over the other without causing creases. This is also an excellent solution for those guests that pack their suitcases for a year’s vacation.

Hack #8

Use Visible Storage Jars

If you want to make space in the pantry or the laundry, using visible storage jars or containers is a great way to achieve that. Reusable containers can store dry goods for both the short and long term. They are available in various shapes and sizes, allowing you to select the correct size container for the amount of product you need to store. Using them will also allow you to buy in bulk and have a place to store them properly. Remember to label everything and add an expiration day when needed.

Hack #9

Swap Detergent Bottles for Sheets

Yes, laundry detergent sheets work! While the idea of a detergent in a sheet may seem strange, they are just as effective as a powder or liquid detergent. Plus, they save you so much space. Here are some detergent sheets to consider: Beyond Plastic, Breezeo, ECOSNext, and Sheets Laundry Club.

Lastly, #10!

Store Items Accordingly To Their Use

When organizing and storing items, it is crucial to consider when and how often an item will be used. Always keep the things you don’t use often further away and ensure the things you will need repeatedly are on the front. That’s why reorganizing between seasons is ideal to set up the storage spaces successfully for the next one. A messy, disorganized yacht can cost you more than just your inner peace. If you don’t have a proper ‘home’ for all items, you spend more time trying to put things away when you’re cleaning up and waste time looking for items when you need them.

If you find these storage hacks for yachts useful, check out www.yachtsmermaids.com/inspiration for more tips and tricks.

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10 Stew Hacks You Should Know

Are you a Stew looking for ways to make your life easier? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Stew hacks consist of tricks, shortcuts, skills, or novelty methods that increase your job productivity and efficiency. And, founder of Yachts Mermaids Marién Sarriera has ten that will make your stew duties so much easier. Ok, let’s get to it!

Here are Marién’s 10 stew hacks you should know:

1. Say goodbye to silver creams and horrible chemicals!

And say hello to baking soda, aluminium foil, water, and shiny silver! Tarnished silver is no match for this aluminium foil “recipe.” Bring one litre of water, one tablespoon of baking soda, and one piece of aluminium foil to a boil. Drop silver in the container for 10 seconds (longer if it’s very tarnished), then remove using kitchen tongs or reusable gloves. Magic! Click here for a video of the last time Marién used this trick! (it’s at the end of the stories).

2. No more ironing on turndowns!

Don’t waste time ironing the beds. Nature knows best, spray a fair amount of water on the wrinkles (don’t be shy), use your hands to brush the fabric, and stretch the bed nicely. In less than 10 minutes, you will have an ironed looking bed again! This works best on sheets that have been ironed right after drying. If you have, then this trick will work amazingly every time you need to make the bed.

P.S. no need to spend money on Wrinkle Releaser; water is what makes the Releaser work; the rest is chemicals to make your sheets smell. Here is a photo (3 minutes apart) of me using this trick in the Master sheets.


3. Use vodka to keep your flowers looking flawless.

Before putting your flowers in a vase, add several drops of vodka and a teaspoon of white sugar, which delays wilting. When your flowers eventually start to die, add a shot of vodka into the water, and the stems will stand up straight again for a day or two.

4. No more lint or unwanted streaks in mirrors, glasses, stainless!

After 14 years in the industry, Marién’s pic for the best cloth to use is the SALT Micro Fiber cloth. It only uses water to clean! Plus, it ensures there is no lint or unwanted streaks left behind in mirrors, glasses, and stainless. If you are not in America, this one from Riedel will do the same for you.

5. Wool Balls are the new Drying Sheets, get on it.

Some of the many benefits of wool balls:

  • Are chemical-free. Fabric softeners and dryer sheets are full of chemicals and perfumes, whereas wool dryer balls are natural and made from a renewable resource.

  • Decrease drying time.

  • Won’t affect the absorbency of your linens or your workout wear.

  • Soften fabric naturally.

  • Are environmentally and human friendly

Marién’s favourite ones are Tumblewool and Molly Suds.

6. Invigorated Water

It’s 2022, climate change is real, and you are a conscious stew. Every purchase you make onboard affects the planet and its inhabitants, that’s why we should make better ones.  Invigorated Water systems are the way forward. Its alkaline water filter system will allow you to hydrate faster, be a conscious consumer, and give back to the planet by saying goodbye to plastic water bottles. This translates to not breaking your back with bulky water cases and having more space for what matters onboard. Swap out plastic water bottles to reusable ones by integrating this system that gives impressive hydration via alkaline water. Swell and Corkcicles are the bottles most of the owners and crew have preferred in the past. Everyone loves invigorated Alkaline water, and the fact that they are contributing to a better planet makes them happy. This is a win-win! Get yours here; Marién always gets the pH RECHARGE 3F Countertop Alkaline Water Filter.

7. Deep Clean Kettle Au Naturale

Clean your kettle by adding a few wedges of lemons into the water. Add the max amount of water and 3/4 lemon wedges, turn the on the kettle, let the water boil and voila! You can also do it with water and vinegar and avoid the lemons altogether, but make sure after it is clean, you boil the kettle a minimum of 2/3 times with water only to get rid of the vinegar taste.

8. Get rid of permanent marker oops marks!

As much as we want to avoid it, there’s always the one crew member who uses the permanent marker instead of the erase one on the whiteboard. No need to worry, use rubbing alcohol to remove the unwanted marks from the board. And, if this happens on wood, use nail polish remover instead.

9. No more writing numbers on Crew Uniforms, use this instead.

Don’t you hate when there have been so many numbers scratched and re-written on the uniforms that you can’t figure out which number/crew it belongs to? Use Iron-on Fabric tapes instead. When a crew member changes, all you have to do is replace the tape on the garment! And the best part is that you can get them for Brother and Dymo label makers, making this task easy and professional looking.

10. Save the Best for Last


Marién’s last and number one stew hack is… REST. Yes, that is correct, rest! As a stew, you believe that everything and everyone is more important than you, that your job is to be there 110% of the time no matter if that means not eating and resting properly. But, you’re mistaken. You can’t be 100% in your job if you don’t rest properly. Avoiding taking care of yourself because you believe you don’t have time is a lie that will cost you your health and career. You have time to rest if you make the time- The boat will continue to run efficiently without you for 2/3 hours or hopefully a day if you are on your bleeding phase.

If you want to learn how to implement time off during your menstrual time while working on board, invest in the Mermaids Kick-Starter Bible.

With the MKSB, you get over 90+ Interior Management Templates, and access to an Exclusive Members Area filled with workshops, masterclasses, and courses that will support you in your career. Download yours here, and if you need extra help in your transition to a Chief Stew role, click here.

We hope you find these stew hacks helpful!

For more of the latest industry news and content, click here.

5 First Time Chief Stew Mistakes

Top tips for Superyacht Chief stews

Step up as chief stew the right way and avoid these common stew mistakes

After training hundreds of stewardesses to become Top-Notch Chief Stews, Yachts Mermaids founder Marién has made a list of the common stew mistakes she has seen in first-time interior HOD. And helpfully, how to avoid them so you can have an easier time transitioning.

Here are some common chief stew mistakes and how to avoid them:


Mistake 1: Forgetting to develop a management mindset

How to avoid: You are likely thinking of jumping into a Chief Stew role because you’re awesome at your job. But the crazy thing about your new position is that it’s not about you anymore. As a stewardess, your number one job is to accomplish tasks. Now, as a Chief Stew, your number one job is to help other people outstandingly achieve the tasks.

This shift is often difficult for first-time Chief Stews, but it’s crucial—your performance will be tied to your team’s performance. This means that if your team fails, you fail. And if they succeed? You can take credit, but you have to share it with the rest of the team, or they won’t be willing to do an excellent job for you in the future.

Mistake 2: Not having an SOP in place

How to avoid: Create an Interior Management System, aka SOP. This manual, or stew bible as we call it in the interior departments, will be the backbone of your management duties. Without it, you will be lost like a needle in a haystack in your new role. The Mermaids Kick-Starter Bible will support you in creating your own Interior Management System. With over 90 digital and editable templates, you will save time, which means you will lead by example as a Chief Stew. Download the MKSB here.


Mistake 3: Repeating what previous Chief Stews have done onboard, even when inefficient or wrong.

How to avoid: Learning who you are as a leader is the key to succeeding in your new role. Repeating what others have done if it works is ok, but I often see first-time chiefs doing things the way they have seen others do it, even when they know it is not beneficial just because they haven’t taken the time to develop their leadership skills. The best way to achieve this is by investing in developing your self-leadership skill sets. If you are ready to heighten and develop your natural leadership skills in no time, check out the YM self-leadership mini-course; Click here.

Mistake 4: Over compromising

How to avoid: Knowing how to set boundaries with the crew, owners, and guests is crucial to your success. As a first-time chief stew, you want to show that you can do the job, but that doesn’t mean that you need to say yes to everything they ask, specifically if doing so means achieving the outcome by putting your mental and physical health at risk . Sometimes NO is the correct answer. That’s why reconnecting with your feminine energy and menstrual cycle is the key to setting boundaries and avoiding burnout. Understanding the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle will allow you to plan your personal and work life around it to support your mental and physical health and that of the team. Click here to learn more about the YM Magic Womb Masterclass for Stews.

Mistake 5: Leading from a frenetic energy

How to avoid: Having a self-care routine is essential to prevent engaging in frenetic energy. Practices like meditation, exercise, and guided breathing will help regulate your energy. As a leader, whatever you feel, others will notice and feel it too. If you are constantly anxious or worried, your team will pick up on that, and more than likely, they will start to feel the same way, which translates to a chaotic team energy and service. Taking care of yourself should be your #1 priority. If you don’t have a healthy mental and physical state, your work performance will suffer, and so will your team efficiency—That’s why Marién recommends investing in a coach or therapist to help you maintain balance in your life. She has over seven years of experience supporting stews in this field. Click here to book a session with Marién.

Here is what others are saying about their coaching sessions with Marién:

“Marién always gives me the tools I need to calm down and come back to myself so that I can be the best leader for my team.” -Greta

“my overall mindset has changed for the better, and we have done some critical work unlocking my full potential. It has helped me, not only in my work life but my day-to-day life.” -Marcelle

Remember that the secret to succeeding in anything you do and avoiding stew mistakes is preparing and investing in yourself. Click here to learn more about all the ways Marién can support you.


We hope you are able to avoid these common chief stew mistakes and progress you career successfully!

For further guidance visit the Yachts Mermaids homepage here.

And, for more of the latest industry content, click here.

How To Be A Top-Notch Superyacht Chief Stew

 Marien, co-founder of Yachts mermaid has shared with you her top tips on how to perfect your role as a chief stew.

Are you starting as a Chief Stew or trying to improve in your role? Either way, you have to understand how things will get done smoothly, efficiently, and consistently by all your team members. And that’s why having an SOP in place in your interior department is crucial.

standard operating procedure (SOP), in other words, an interior management system, is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by a Chief Stewardess to help the interior crew carry out routine operations. The aim is to achieve efficiency, quality output, and uniformity of performance.  Meanwhile, reducing miscommunication and failure to comply with the yachts’ regulations.

A standard operating procedure is a document that provides clear-cut directions and instructions. It will tell you how teams and members within an interior department must go about completing certain processes.

Creating an SOP provides a “true north” for your team to strive toward. But also, a clearly-drawn map to guide them along the way.


Benefits of implementing an SOP: 

Ensures Consistency –As I’ve said, an SOP enables your interior team to run like a finely-tuned machine. A huge part of running “like a machine” is consistency. Following an SOP like the Mermaids Kick-Starter Bible will ensure that your team will always know the right path to take—and will always take it. Download the MKSB here.

Ensures Efficiency- With SOP in place, compliance regarding all organizational processes is not merely a suggestion but a mandate. It’s simple: It ensures your team knows the most efficient and effective way to go about a certain task.

Enables Proper Onboarding and Training- It makes it easier to train your team members about the best practices in certain situations and how to navigate them. In contrast, in not having clearly-defined SOPs in place, you run the risk of leaving your team uninformed. As well as, being unprepared to handle particular challenges as they come about.

Maintains Organizational Knowledge- For the sake of argument, let’s say your team already knows exactly how to handle any situation that comes their way—and is always able to do so effectively and efficiently. In this case, it may seem like documenting everything your team already knows would be a waste of time, money, and other resources. After all, everyone knows what to do, so why take the time to write down everything they already know?

The problem, though, is that your team isn’t going to remain intact as-is forever. Crew will quit, be promoted, go on leave…the list goes on. When that happens, you need to know that the knowledge and expertise they’ve brought to the interior will stay within the yacht.

In documenting your SOP, you’ll ensure this info stays within your vessel—allowing new team members to pick up right where the old ones leave off.

Challenges of Developing an SOP:

While there are many benefits to developing an interior management system within your department, doing so comes with its fair shares of challenges, such as a shortage of time or a shortfall in computer skills required to create one. The Mermaids Kick-Starter Bible is here to help you with creating an SOP as fast and smoothly as possible. The MKSB is a practical guide system that provides you the foundation, confidence, and knowledge to excel at your Chief Stewardess role. These guidelines will save you time and energy, as there is no need to recreate them. They are digital and editable templates!

Merging your knowledge with these guidelines will create the perfect SOP for your team and vessel, whether private or charter.

Included in the MKSB system you will find over 90+ Templates in Mac and PC versions, Video Trainingslive support, and private coaching if desired. Download the MKSB here.

Accessibility, Visibility, and Centralization of Information:

The standard operating procedures must be accessible to all members at any time, even after they’ve been developed. This is so all crew is able to engage and access the information.

Without this accessibility and visibility, it can be pretty easy for SOP to fall to the backburner. This will only lead team members to go back to the “old way of doing things.” Defeating the purpose of developing SOP in the first place. Moreover, the SOP documentation must be the same documentation across the board. The most effective way to ensure this is to keep the document in a centralized database that all members have access to. That way, you can guarantee that all team members are following the right documentation at all times. As part of the MKSB, you will receive video training on how to maintain your system accessibly, visible, and centralized. Get it here.

Management and Maintenance of an SOP:

Please keep in mind that regarding the management and maintenance of an SOP, there are two main challenges to consider. First, your team will need to be properly trained and prepared to implement the procedures in question. This means ensuring they have access to any equipment or other resources required to complete the tasks defined within the SOP. All of this, whilst ensuring that they know how to efficiently and effectively use these resources. If this piece of the puzzle is missing, your team simply won’t be able to act in accordance with SOP.

What’s considered the best course of action, for the time being, may not always be so. Personnel changes and various other factors may require your team to revisit previously-developed SOP as time goes on. You will end up doing more harm than good to your interior department if your team follows an outdated or obsolete SOP. I advise you to meet with your team at the end of each season. By doing so, you can find out what procedures are working successfully and which ones need improvement. This will ensure your team works smart, not hard. And also, making sure the SOP is always updated.

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