Best And Worst Times To Find Yacht Crew Jobs – Fort Lauderdale

As the demand for new superyachts is on the rise so is the demand for yacht crew. This article is all about Fort Lauderdale, the best ports to find yacht crew jobs, and times you should be looking.

We are talking about the ports that are your “best” options. That’s not to say that there aren’t other places in the world where you could find a job in yachting. However, these locations are the hiring hotspots and will offer excellent access to quality job opportunities for yacht crew entering the industry.

So if you are hunting for your first role in the industry or just looking for a new position, this article hopefully gives you some tips!

Best & Worst Times For Finding Yacht Crew Jobs In Fort Lauderdale: 

Worst times to apply: July, August

The Summer yachting season begins in May, and by July and August, we are in the middle of the Mediterranean season. During this period, the crew have all hands on deck. We’re not saying that you shouldn’t apply at this time however, we don’t recommend it.

Good times to apply: January, February, June, September

When we say good, we mean there is a decent chance. However, you may find yourself either a bit too early, or too late, for prime hiring season. With Fort Lauderdale, during January and February, many agencies will be hiring crew to go to the Caribbean. If the yachts are not hiring, then they are probably having repairs done in Florida during these months.

Great times to apply: March, October

Both Fort Lauderdale and Miami are great locations, that have a good reputation for beginner crews during these months.  They’re unique in that so many yachts pass through here not once, but twice a year. We recommend if you’re in the area during this time to consider completing your training courses. It may also be worth gaining some experience in preparation for the following month.

The ideal time to apply: April, May, November, and December

In a typical cruising season – more so after finishing maintenance work in shipyards (or venturing around regions off the typical yachting trail), yachts may take a follow a different itinerary. This can mean that crew lay low for a while until they begin heading towards the US to prepare for the summer season. This makes for the ideal time to be in Fort Lauderdale, to stand the best chance of getting your dream job.


Remember! Only American citizens, green card holders, and work authorisation visa holders are legal to walk the docks and look for work in the USA.

3 STCW Courses available in Fort Lauderdale:

In the meantime, keep up with the latest available industry jobs with us here – don’t forget to register!

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