It’s now been non-stop for weeks, your life revolves around guests eating, drinking and sleeping and your floating temporary life has got you dreaming about being back on dry land. Tasting that celebratory end of season beer, your next day off and all those things you wished you had onboard to get you through the charter season are all feeling rather far away…
Things you always seem to lose (or break)

Your third pair of sunglasses have fallen off your head whilst you were tying on a fender. Your iPhone’s new home is now the ocean somewhere between Mallorca and Menorca and you’re currently wearing the first mate’s spare flip-flops that are 3 sizes too big for you because you lost yours to that pesky marina dog. You are no longer able to drown out your cabin mates snoring or the charter kids screeching because your noise cancelling headphones have broken. And, you knew this would happen so you only have your self to blame for not stockpiling 😩.
Things you can no longer do easily

With guests on board, your life has been put on hold and charters are all you know, midway through you will begin to wonder why you didn’t stock up on those things you can no longer do. Like downloads.
Unlimited wifi is a thing of the past and you’re finding yourself death staring the 16-year-old charter guest that spends the whole day snap chatting her mocktails on the bow. It’s not her fault that you forgot to download all those movies and your favourite headbangers for when you’re cleaning the bathrooms and whilst you scrub away in silence you promise yourself you will never make that mistake again.
Things that make you look like you’re not on charter

The tired skin, the heavy eyes, the aching muscles, and the shiny reflective surfaces everywhere to remind you that you are in the middle of charter season. To ensure that you look spritely every day takes a lot of work, especially when your broken sleep consists of listening to the guests’ 10th tequila shot (when you aren’t on service) or the loud music vibrating your bunk from the teenage guests’ deck rave. You’ve somehow been through all your face cream and one of the girls has nicked your foundation so all you can do is hope and pray that soap and water are going to do the trick. Who are you kidding.
Things that you never knew you needed

Some guest requests will always catch you off guard and really, is even possible to prepare for some of the completely ridiculous requests you might get? Like the time you needed to source a Juliet rose so that the owner could make a new dog collar for their totally adorable Chow Chow whilst out on anchor in the middle of a Croatian national park. But then again, who doesn’t love a challenge?
Heres to the rest of the charter season…